Azuras gives the most opportunities and has less necessity to be an organized raid (such as if a blue group came to haderus, they would have to deal with about 60 AD around the clock and 30-40 reds depending on the hours of the day) The point is that most players only want to be out there when their faction has the upper hand so its easy for them to claim they are awesome, etc. Where did I find the AD? Zergcapping Haderus vs not a single EP in sight. All of AD quit simultaneously leaving Red to run roughshod all the way to the gates uncontested save me and a handful of people not afraid to fight outnumbered. The moment Crown was deposed the entire AD faction quit (not just his group as you might expect them to take a break after defending for several hours). I actually played AD the whole night (rare for me, being AD again) both on my nightblade and my templar. I saw this firsthand last night on Azuras. The reason Azura is packed, is because they are all the casuals that dont want to actually compete with people.

Azuras vuze pro#
Whether its an AD EP or DC pro guild doing it that week, trueflame died for this reason. No one wants to go to trueflame because its normally monochrome and used as an elite guild AP farm for whatever sucker comes on it that night. They see their faction failing, they find another campaign.Īzuras is the only dynamic campaign because of this reason. No one wants to work for anything, they see their faction being successful, they stay and ride the coattails.